Saturday, January 31, 2009

Indoors all day

I shot indoors all day today and did pretty well. I ended up re-tuning the bow again. I just cannot seem to get good arrow flight for my bareshafts. I don't know what the issue is... I just can't seem to get the bareshaft to stick in straight like my fletched shafts do. I've played with center shot, plunger tension and bow weight. Oh well....

So anyways after I gave up with that I just started shooting. Everything went well, I ended up shooting a 294 with 16x's while shooting an 8. So it's a pretty good score to work with. Everything will fall in place. 

I was asked what I do to mentally prepare for a tournament. Well basically I just start at the foundation of knowing that I have my equipment properly set-up. If I don't have faith in my equipment then I will struggle in believing that I am going into a tournament without an advantage but rather a disadvantage. Other then that, just knowing I am in good shape and I am confident in my abilities is all that is really left for preparation. All of my technical, physical and mental training just work for me at tournaments. 

I got a slideshow running on the sidebar that I can upload some pictures from my phone during the shooting incase i want to share some shots with you.

Here is an end i shot today, XXX

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jake, put up some new videos so we can see how you're shooting! good job man!