Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New book on ebay

Hey guys, I just listed another book on ebay, today marks the first sale on ebay which is great news.

Here is the link incase anyone is interested.

Thanks again for reading

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Well, lots has been going on here at the OTC. 

I have recently picked up two sponsors since my last few blog posts, Indo Board and Doinker.

Forrest the owner of Indo 
Board, a balance trainer stopped in to sportsmed one day to explain the benefits of using the device to the sports trainers a few weeks back. I approached him as I have done some training on the Indo Board as well as shot off of it. I invited him down to the archery range to show him my stuff on the board while shooting. 

When he got to the ra
nge I started to shoot off the board at blank bale, 3 yards away. He was impressed with just that I had the balance to do so. I decided to take my first shot at 70M in-front of him. I shot several arrows at 70M, all of which hitting the target with a 10! 

After some further discussion with him, he ended up hooking me up with their compete indo set-up with the deck, roller and Indo-Flo cushion. I was suprised that I would be offered a board at no cost. 

At any rate he made 
me rider of the month for Indo Board on their newsletter. 

If you are looking for a balance training devise and possibly strength training as well check out Indo Board at www.indoboard.com

Also I sent a sponsorship proposal to the Doinker factory, they signed me on as a staff shooter. I am very excited to have my first "official" archery company signed on. They sell great stabilizer set-ups for recurve and compounds alike. If you are in the market for some stabilizers then I would highly recommend this company, I shot there products long before I was a shooter.
 I've done some testing with other stabilizers and just flat out like the feel and look of the Doinkers over any other stabilizer. 
Check them out at www.doinker.com

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I have uploaded a book to ebay, Like I said I may not be putting many books on Ebay as I have not yet sold one there. I understand if you feel more comfortable purchasing the book on there, just let me know if you do not see one and I will put one up. 

Also the video on Roadrunnerarchery.com is produced by Easton Sports Development foundation. We are just selling the video for them. This video does teach the same method that Kisik teaches here at the Olympic Training Center as well as the Total Archery book. The DVD is not meant to replace Total Archery, but will compliment it very well, If you do end up purchasing a DVD just put a note in there that I helped show you where to pick one up.

Someone asked me for my number so they could call me up about a Total Archery book, I'd rather not give out my phone number but you can email me at Jake.Kaminski@gmail.com .

Thanks again for reading,

Ill try to make an update on some happenings around here later today if I can.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Total Archery

Some of you have been wondering where you can get the Total Archery book.

Well you have two options, both are sold by me to you at a lower then retail cost. 

Option one; Purchase via paypal on Roadrunner Archery's website HERE at the bottom there is a "buy now" button with paypal. You may use any major credit card. 

The second option is to purchase on Ebay, I am not having great success on Ebay so your best bet is to purchase from Option one on the website, HERE is a link to my ebay page.\

Thanks for looking.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Down at the range.

I'm down at the archery range and have a little break so I figured I'd give an update.

Well I said I was going to describe gold game to you.

We shoot at 70M (roughly 230 ft) at a target three feet in diameter. The "gold" of the target is roughly 11 inches across. On the target there is ten scoring rings. the ten and nine are in the gold. The eight and seven are red. We shoot off a timer, getting ten seconds to shoot the arrow. If we don't get the arrow off in ten seconds we get a point deduction. This puts stress on the archer and distracts them from shooting good shots. We get points from shooting the arrow in the nine or ten ring, no points for an eight and minus one point for seven and less.

We shoot to 35 points. I ended up finishing in 37 shots, this being the new record for the RA program.

Some of you have been asking about training. Well I basically train 6 days a week and work on my rest day. Every day we run from 7 till 730, and go into mental training from 730 till 8. Shooting is from 9 till noon and 130 till 530 week days except on Thursday afternoon. Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at lunch we go to weight training for roughly an hour and 10 minutes. On the weekends, I shoot in the afternoon, I also work the archery club Thursday afternoon, Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons. Basically my entire week is consumed by archery.

The Road Runner Archery Club has a new website at, http://www.roadrunnerarchery.com/ if your interested in coming out to learn archery just pay a visit to the website and get directions as well as working hours. We have all the equipment for anyone to start out shooting archery. If you have your own feel free to bring it as we can teach you on that as well. The fees are very reasonable considering the coaching you receive here. All of these archers that live here at the Olympic Training Center are considered the best coaches in the country for the BEST Method, if not the world.

As far as training information and tips on archery, the best I can do at this very moment is to tell you to look into picking up a copy of my Coach, Kisik Lee's book called Total Archery. It teaches you a biomechanically efficient shooting style that works for everyone. I will soon be selling these on ebay, Just keep an eye out here for a link to my store where you can pick them up for less then most places. It is offered in English and Spanish.

Thanks for reading.


Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

I've been crazy busy lately. Here is a jist list of what has been going on here.

-Shot a personal best at 70M of 338
-Shot a personal best double 20yd score of 588
-Set a new record for the RA program during "gold game" of 95% golds (Ill explain later when I have time)

There has been a few questions about my training schedule, about the Road Runner Club and other things I will try to get some of this information on my blog soon I just don't have time right this second I have to get down to resume training in 5 minutes. 

Thanks for reading.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well between coaching at Road Runner Archery Club 4 sessions per week, Putting up Road Runner's Website ( www.roadrunnerarchery.com ), Writing new sponsorship proposals and Training I have very little time left over for rest and fun.

The Road Runner Club is coming along pretty well. All the kids and adults are learning really fast. The program we are implementing shows great promise. Although I enjoy working with these kids, from time to time I wish that I was having a good time just having fun elsewhere or just resting. I am working 4 sessions per week Thursday afternoon which is our time to normally get into sportsmed for longer then normal to get some extra body work done. I also work on Saturday morning and afternoon as well as Sunday afternoon. 

Today I received a package from Rick Johnson who came out to the Training Center a while back as a 2 week volunteer. He was by far THE best massage therapist I have ever had the honor of working with. He sent me his book, Anatomy Flash Cards which shows muscle groups, where they insert and the correct way to massage them to release tightness and inflexibility. You can visit his website www.champsadvantage.com to read up on his techniques. If you are considering massage therapy I HIGHLY recommend checking him out. This was a one of a kind technique that worked wonders on me. I really wish he has time to come back out to the training center to work on me some more. 

Well I'm off to bed, I really need to start getting to bed earlier. These runs at 7 AM is getting very old and boring. Its very difficult to get up that early after working my butt off the day before.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Man I'm sore

Well on Saturday mornings we shoot from 9 till noon but today is the opening of our archery club, Road Runners. 
Yesterday we had weight training which must have kicked my butt because I'm sore all over. My hamstrings are killing me from doing RDL's and my arms are dead as well as my ribs (serratus) from dips. 
I guess I'm not really looking forward to a long day in the sun, there is a CORR off road race here in chula vista today and tomorrow I wanted to go this afternoon and then go to the beach on Sunday but I guess I'll have to go sunday. 

Well I'm off to eat some delicious (sarcasm) training center food. 

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back in business

The new program started on the 2nd of September, ending a well needed break from shooting. After taking 3 weeks off, I did lose some strength but did not lose any performance as far as scores go so I'm pretty happy with that.

I got a recent comment from an anonymous person who reminded me that I have not actually mentioned my up-brining in archery. I apologize for not mentioning Leo's Archery range and Leo's JOAD that was formerly in East Aurora, NY on Pine Street. You see, living out here and having very little time and or energy to devote to such things as this blog and my website, (its a little embarrassing- Im going to re-vamp it very soon) let alone try to remember to mention everyone. I do owe great grattitude to my extended 'family' at Leo's archery, now run out of West Falls Country club. Besides bringing me up in the archery world to be able to become an RA they are responsible for bringing me out of my shell as a person. 

Just so you guys know up there in the WNY/Leo's area I am planning on coming back to the area to hopefully put on an informal seminar on the RA program as a whole and on the BEST method. I know that a lot of people in that area are very interested in the teachings of how to shoot like we are trying to accomplish, but are either afraid to take the leap or are unable to afford to fly out to meet Coach Lee. I will be coming to you in the near future (around the beginning of my winter break Dec. 15th?). 

At any rate, I had a great time on vacation visiting my sister Liz whom has a blog called Creating Intentions linked here http://creating-intentions.blogspot.com/ is helping me bring my mental game and concept of shooting to the International dominant level. I met my two latest nieces Simona and Ella for the first time. I also visited my brother Matt in Santa Cruz, both of which I haven't seen in about three years. 

As I sign off, I'll leave you with a few parting shots.


Botanical Garden in Balboa Park in SD
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
Muir woods
Image Hosting by Picoodle.com
And for the Leo's People, young Jake at Leo's wearing a Leo's shirt

Image Hosting by Picoodle.com

Monday, August 18, 2008

new vids

I guess i figured I could just embed the video too.

but don't forget to stop by www.jakekaminski.com and check out what's going on over there

new videos

Well, I got around to posting 3 new videos on youtube, one of me shooting at Nationals, one about the RA Program and one of me shooting at the San Diego Fair. 

Hope you enjoy


Thursday, August 14, 2008


Sorry I havent posted in a long time, ive been keeping busy.

So after this years nationals in Colorado Springs, CO and taking 6th in both the ranking round and US Open, I am not on vacation back at my family's home in Florida. 

These 3 weeks should be good some down time was much needed. I plan on having some fun in florida and then heading to Oakland to visit my sister. 

Training resumes on the first of September. There will be several new RA's at the OTC hopefully it will still be as fun as it used to be, Im optimistic but we will see soon.

As for people asking to post Pics and video I'd appreciate it if you would go to my website, www.jakekaminski.com I will be putting up some new video on the RA program and some video of myself shooting at nationals.

Thanks for reading


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Finally got one.

Well, I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now. I finally got around to it.
My name is Jake Kaminski, I grew up in Buffalo, New York. When  I was six years old, I went to a day camp that had archery at it. I never got down from my cabin to the archery range in time to shoot, but when I returned home my parents searched around and found out there was an archery range within a ten minute drive from my home. 

I remember my first shot vividly, I was in my back yard, 20 yards away from the target, my brother Matt watching me. I draw back point it in the direction of the target and let it fly. I hear a thud, quickly run to the target to see where it was. It landed right in the middle of the target, it could not have been any more centered in the target. My brother grabbed the bow from me and shot a few arrows but missed all 6 that he shot. Ever since then I have been hooked.

I shot compound for 9 years, started to compete nationally in 2000. In 2003 I switched from compound to recurve to shoot in the Empire State Games that was held at UB's campus. I took a silver medal for the individual competition and a gold for team. I took to the recurve dicipline quickly, after only a year of shooting the recurve I won the Outdoor National Championships. 

In October 2005 I moved to Florida with my Family and continued to shoot, still winning tournament after tournament in my final year of Junior status. I made the JR World Team that year and was asked by the National Head coach, Kisik Lee to become a Resident Athlete at the Chula Vista Olympic Training Center. On September 4th 2006 I moved out to California to start training under Coach Lee. 

Since then I have lived here for two years. Everything has been going great and things are looking up. 

After this year's gold cup, I learned a great deal of things that I need to focus on. I put these things to use during training the past couple of days, shooting near my personal best. I think things will finally take a turn for the better. 

I plan on updating these blogs fairly often with pictures and videos.