Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back in business

The new program started on the 2nd of September, ending a well needed break from shooting. After taking 3 weeks off, I did lose some strength but did not lose any performance as far as scores go so I'm pretty happy with that.

I got a recent comment from an anonymous person who reminded me that I have not actually mentioned my up-brining in archery. I apologize for not mentioning Leo's Archery range and Leo's JOAD that was formerly in East Aurora, NY on Pine Street. You see, living out here and having very little time and or energy to devote to such things as this blog and my website, (its a little embarrassing- Im going to re-vamp it very soon) let alone try to remember to mention everyone. I do owe great grattitude to my extended 'family' at Leo's archery, now run out of West Falls Country club. Besides bringing me up in the archery world to be able to become an RA they are responsible for bringing me out of my shell as a person. 

Just so you guys know up there in the WNY/Leo's area I am planning on coming back to the area to hopefully put on an informal seminar on the RA program as a whole and on the BEST method. I know that a lot of people in that area are very interested in the teachings of how to shoot like we are trying to accomplish, but are either afraid to take the leap or are unable to afford to fly out to meet Coach Lee. I will be coming to you in the near future (around the beginning of my winter break Dec. 15th?). 

At any rate, I had a great time on vacation visiting my sister Liz whom has a blog called Creating Intentions linked here is helping me bring my mental game and concept of shooting to the International dominant level. I met my two latest nieces Simona and Ella for the first time. I also visited my brother Matt in Santa Cruz, both of which I haven't seen in about three years. 

As I sign off, I'll leave you with a few parting shots.


Botanical Garden in Balboa Park in SD
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Muir woods
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And for the Leo's People, young Jake at Leo's wearing a Leo's shirt

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Anonymous said...

thank you for mentioning leo's. just making sure you didn't forget your roots

Anonymous said...

thanks for including leo's archery. this has a big meaning to some people. would be good if you add new shooting photos

Elizabeth Diamond said...
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Elizabeth Diamond said...

It was so awesome seeing you after three years!!! You so totally rawk!!!