Sunday, February 22, 2009

More new personal bests

Well it seems that just about every week I am setting more new personal bests. I would estimate that every personal best I have set in the past has been broken in the last month with the exception of a few. 
This week I shot another FITA on tuesday morning with variable wind during the long distances and about 7MPH wind at 50M but at 30 there was 20MPH gusts and rain that was putting a challenge up for me. Had it not been windy at 30M I would have broken a 1320. 

This weeks score was:
313 at 90M (personal best)
327 at 70M
331 at 50M (personal best)
346 at 30M
1317 fita (personal best)

Yesterday I shot some indoor rounds. I have been struggling with my shoulder on and off for the past 2 years with tendonitis and other over use injures. Somedays it doesn't hurt at all and others it just aches to the point of me giving up on shooting that day. Yesterday was one of those days. I started off shooting well with a 294 and 10X's but after that it just spiraled down hill. But I know that todays' rest will prove to be a great help with this next weeks shooting. 

I have been working on my Macbook on the iWeb program to produce my website and make it semi-professional looking. It is coming along quite well and hopefully should be up by the end of the week. 

For those of you who have been asking about tips on how to shoot. I will try to make a video of some recent shots with steps on how to shoot. I have some further plans of helping people with their technique  and critiquing them showing where they can improve. I have not yet had time to do so but I hope to in the near future.

Thanks for reading,

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